Inspiration : Reservoir Dogs

Desiring inspiration I decided to watch the Martin Scorsese film The Departed and Quentin Tarantino's infamous directorial debut Reservoir Dogs.

Both films pertain to the genre of 'American crime film' thus containing an element of violence though Reservoir Dogs proved to be more inspirational. Violence is a key element in my teaser trailer and so therefore I was able to take inspiration from them. One scene inparticular that I feel I could take some inspiration from is in the image below. Unfortunately there is not a video of this scene on the website that will allow me to use the 'embed' code to put it into this blog post.

In my teaser trailer there is a very similair scene to this and so I am going to incorporate some of the shot types used because I feel they will prove to be very effective.

I also found the shot type above 'from the boot' very effective and I shall look to incorporate it into my teaser trailer.

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