Questionnaire Results

These are the results that we obtained from the questionnaire we put to people in our college.
1. Males (18) Females (14)

2. 16 years of age (6), 17 years of age (14), 18 years of age (3), 19 years of age (3), 20+ years of age (3)

3. Films watched per week: 0-2 (20) 3-4 (9) 5+ (3)

4. Hears about films: Magazines (11) TV (25) Newspaper (5) Internet (19)

5. Monthly rate of cinema going: Not at all (6) A few times (21) Once a week (3) More than once a week (1)

6. Arthouse or Multiplex Cinema: Arthouse (6) Multiplex (19) Both (7)

7. What attracts them to a film: The director (10) The actors (17) The genre (19)

8. Magazines read. Answers included: Vogue, Total Film, Bella, Sight + Sound, Kerrang, Reveal, Heat, Little White Lies.

Suffice to say, magazines Vogue, Bella and Heat are read by females and the rest of the magazines are read by both genders.

9. Social Networking webstes used: Facebook (32) Myspace (3) Twitter (5) Bebo (1) Other (2)

10. Preferred method of consuming film: DVD (27) Cinema (20) Internet (7)

From these results it is clear to see that the majority of individuals that we put the questionnaire to fall into these demographics and psychographics;

• They are male
• They are 17
• They watch 0-2 films per week
• They find out about films via the internet
• They attend the cinema ‘a few times’ a month
• The type of cinema that they attend is a multiplex
• They take into consideration the genre when researching a film to watch
• They read magazines such as NME and Vogue
• They use the social networking site Facebook
• They consume a film by means of purchasing the DVD and watching it at home

The details above suggest the target audience of our short film.

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